
2021-01-07 01:38:39



可用的。 公证工作经验证书(NWECS)简要描述了申请人在中国的工作经验。 所有要求在中国有工作经验的以就业为基础的偏爱移民申请人均应提供这些文件。 不应以雇主的信或自称其知识的人的宣誓声明代替NWECS。 申请人无权获得NWEC应被视为申请人不具备要求的经验的表面证据。




Notarial Work Experience Certificates

Available. Notarial Work Experience Certificates (NWECS) briefly describe an applicant’s work experience in the PRC. They should be required of all employment based preference immigrant applicants who claim work experience in China. Employer’s letters or sworn statements from persons claiming person’s knowledge should not be accepted in lieu of NWECS. The inability of an applicant to obtain a NWEC should be regarded as prima facie evidence the applicant does not possess the claimed experience.



Last Update Date:1-7-2021

讨论:2 次

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    咯散4年前 (2021-06-03)回复
    • 客服 Xiaoxiao

      您好,目前我们只有美国客服电话或者是EMAIL客服,暂无微信客服,Email:[email protected],美国/加拿大联系电话:+1(424) 382-3564,谢谢

      客服 Xiaoxiao4年前 (2021-06-09)回复
中国公证处海外服务中心,简称:CNPO,网站:chinanotarypublicoffice.com。CNPO与政府没有联属关系,也不是政府机关的分支机构。如果您选择我们的专业服务,我们会在政府费的基础上收取额外的代办服务费用。 China Notary Public Office (CNPO), Website is chinanotarypublicoffice.com. CNPO is not affiliated with the government and is not a branch of a government agency. If you choose to use our professional services, we will charge an additional service fee. 本网站相关信息,并力求谨慎,但仍不能保证本网站所包含的所有资料的准确性、完整性,对信息的错误或遗漏不负任何责任。The information related to this website, and strive to take care, but still can not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all information contained in this website, and is not responsible for errors or omissions in the information.