
2021-01-06 09:10:09






公证领养证书证明原领养证书/领养注册证书的真实性; 并且证书的复印件与原件一致。

公证领养证书通常包含水印,图章和红戳; 除了原始的收养证书/收养注册证书的副本。 它必须指出被收养人的信息(姓名,性别和出生日期),收养父母的信息(姓名,性别和出生日期),将孩子收养的人或机构的名称,注册号, 注册日期和注册机构。 所有公证文件必须有英文译本,并附有证明该英文译本与中文原件相符的证明。



国民身份证和户口(户口簿)。 如果申请人居住在国外,则还需要其护照复印件。



如果申请人以外的其他人代表他或她申请证书,则由申请人签署的誓章或授权证书。 授权人员还需要提供其身份证。




公证人然后检查文件。 如果申请被接受,申请人将支付所有相关的公证费。




例外:根据对中国收养法的最新修订,公证收养证书不再是自1999年4月1日(修订版生效之日)起发起的国际(跨国)收养案件的要求。 如果参与收养过程的任何一方希望拥有公证收养证书,则仍可使用(《中华人民共和国收养法》第二章第15条)。



1981年1月之前,中国没有标准化的收养法律法规。 通常,收养是由养父母和亲生父母和/或尚存家庭成员口头同意的。 在这些较旧的情况下,收养之初可能没有书面记录。 但是,1981年以前收养的缔约方通常会在稍后的时间点获得公证收养证书,其中列出了自然父母的姓名,收养父母的姓名以及收养日期。 这些证明仅在公证人确定收养符合当地惯例和法规之后才签发。


中国于1991年12月29日将其收养法律法规纳入现行的《中国收养法》,该法律于1992年4月1日生效。根据该法律,所有收养案件均需提供公证收养证书,并且无力获得该证书。 公证收养证明是表面上没有合法收养的证据。 因此,只有在颁发公证收养证书的情况下,1981年1月之后和1999年4月1日之前的收养才有效。 此外,对于在此期间启动的收养案例,公证收养证书的签发日期为收养的生效日期。


1998年11月4日,中国修订了其领养法,该法于1999年4月1日生效。根据修订后的法律,领养过程中不再需要公证领养证书,也不能用于确定领养的生效日期。 取而代之的是使用收养登记证书,收养的生效日期为登记日期(《外国人收养儿童登记修订办法》第11条)。 这些证书由省级民政部颁发,省级民政部负责批准收养成为中国国家监护人的无父母或被遗弃儿童。


外国人可以根据中国的领养法在中国领养子女。 与在国内收养中一样,收养关系应确定为在1999年4月1日或之后修订的法律的生效日期结束的所有收养的注册日期。 对于在该日期之前发生的收养,未获得公证的领养证书仍是表面上从未发生过合法收养的表面证据。

虽然不再需要公证收养证书,但如果收养关系中涉及的任何一方希望拥有公证书,则可以获取该证书。 此外,如果外国父母或已婚夫妇收养中国孤儿,则至少有一位收养父母必须前往中国完成收养工作,届时他们将获得公证出生证明和遗弃公证( 修订的《外国人收养子女登记办法》第8条)。 公证遗弃证书应详细说明在什么情况下该儿童成为孤儿或被遗弃。 有关国家间收养程序的更多信息,请咨询美国驻广州领事馆的收养科。


Adoption certificate

Document Name: Notarial certificate (Gong Zheng Shu)

Issuing Authority: Local Notary Public Office (Gong Zheng Chu)

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:

A notarial adoption certificate certifies the authenticity of the original adoption certificate/adoption registration certificate; and that the photocopy of the certificate is in accordance with the original.
A notarial adoption certificate normally contains a watermark, seal, and red stamp; except for the copies of the original adoption certificate/adoption registration certificate. It must indicate the adoptee’s information (name, gender, and date of birth), the adoptive parents’ information (name, gender, and date of birth), the name of the person or institution placing the child for adoption, the registration number, the registration date, and the registration authority. All notarial documents must have an English translation, and be attached to a certificate stating that the English translation is in conformity with the Chinese original.
Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Notary Public (Gong Zheng Yuan)

Registration Criteria:

A National ID card and household registration (Hu Kou Bu). If the applicant lives abroad, a copy of his or her passport is also required.
If the applicant is a Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau resident, the mainland travel permit is required.
Original adoption certificate/adoption registration certificate.
A signed affidavit or authorization certificate from the applicant if someone other than the applicant applies for the certificate on his or her behalf. The authorized person also needs to provide his/her national ID card.
Other documents requested by the Notary Public (Gong Zheng Yuan).
Procedure for Obtaining:

Complete an application and submit all relevant documents to the Notary Public Office (Gong Zheng Chu).
The Notary Public then examines the documents. If the application is accepted, the applicant pays all related notary fees.
Once the review of the submitted documents is completed, the notarial adoption certificate is issued.
Certified Copies Available: Certified copies are not available.

Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents.

Exceptions: In accordance with the most recent revisions to China’s adoptions law, a Notarial Adoption Certificate is no longer a requirement for international (intercountry)-adoption cases that were initiated after April 1, 1999, the effective date of the revisions. Notarial Adoption Certificates remain available should any party involved in the adoption process wish to have one (Adoption Law of the PRC, Chapter II, Article 15).

Comments: Applicants should check the website or contact their local Notary Public Office to obtain specific information regarding required fees and supporting documents.

Early Adoptions

Prior to January 1981, there were no standardized adoption laws and regulations in China. Commonly, adoptions were orally agreed to by the adoptive parent(s) and natural parents and/or surviving family members. There may or may not be a written record dating from the time of the adoption in these older cases. Parties to pre-1981 adoptions, however, often secured Notarial Adoption Certificates at a later point in time that listed the natural parents’ names, adoptive parents’ names, and the date of the adoption. These certificates were meant to be issued only after the notary ascertained that an adoption took place conforming to local practice and regulation.

Following Enactment of the Adoption Law of China, Effective April 1, 1992

China codified its adoption laws and regulations in the Current Adoption Law of China on December 29, 1991, which came into effect on April 1, 1992. Under this law, a Notarial Adoption Certificate was required in all adoption cases, and the inability to obtain a Notarial Adoption Certificate was prima facie evidence that no legal adoption ever took place. Therefore, adoptions taking place after January 1981 and before April 1, 1999 are considered valid only with the issuance of a Notarial Adoption Certificate. Additionally, for adoption cases initiated during this period, the date of issuance of the Notarial Adoption Certification serves as the effective date of adoption.

Revisions to the Adoption Law of China, Effective April 1, 1999

On November 4, 1998, China amended its adoption law, effective April 1, 1999. Under the revised law, Notarial Adoption Certificates are no longer required in the adoption process, nor are they used to establish the effective date of adoption. Instead, a Certificate of Registration of Adoption is used, and the effective date of an adoption is the date of registration (Revised Measures for Registration of Adoption of Children by Foreigners, Article 11). These certificates are issued by the provincial-level Ministry of Civil Affairs, which is responsible for approving all adoptions of parentless or abandoned children who becomes the wards of the Chinese state.

International (Intercountry) Adoptions in China

Foreigners may, in accordance with the Adoption Law of China, adopt a child in the PRC. As in a domestic adoption, the adoptive relationship shall be established as the date of registration for all adoptions concluded on or after April 1, 1999, the effective date of the revised law. For adoptions occurring prior to that date, failure to obtain a Notarial Certificate of Adoption remains prima facie evidence that a legal adoption never took place. While a Notarial Adoption Certificate is no longer required, one may be obtained should any party involved in the adoptive relationship wish to have one. Moreover, it remains true that if a foreign parent or married couple adopts a Chinese orphan, at least one of the adoptive parents must travel to China to complete the adoption, at which time they will receive a Notarial Birth Certificate and a Notarial Abandonment Certificate (Revised Measures for Registration of Adoption of Children by Foreigners, Article 8). The Notarial Abandonment Certificate should detail under what circumstances the child was either orphaned or abandoned. Please consult the U.S. Consulate Guangzhou’s Adoption Unit for more on the intercountry adoptions process.



Last Update Date:1-6-2021


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