
2021-01-06 09:57:08







无犯罪记录的公证书:证明申请人在中国居住期间没有刑事犯罪。 注明申请人的姓名,性别,出生日期,身份证号和在中国的居住时间。


犯罪记录公证书:证明申请人在中国居住期间的刑事犯罪和量刑。 它指示申请人的姓名,性别,出生日期,身份证号,定罪信息,定罪的性质和日期以及下达日期。 一些证书还证明,除了已经描述的定罪之外,申请人没有其他犯罪记录。


公证警察证书通常包含水印,图章和红戳。 所有公证文件必须有英文译本,并附有证明该英文译本与中文原件相符的证明。



国民身份证和户口(户口簿)。 如果申请人居住在国外,则还需要其护照复印件。







如果申请人以外的其他人代表他或她申请证书,则由申请人签署的誓章或授权证书。 授权人员还需要提供其身份证。




公证人然后检查文件。 如果申请被接受,申请人将支付所有相关的公证费。





注解:虽然在中国存在申请公证文件的标准化程序,但实际上,程序因地区而异。 申请人应检查网站或联系当地的公证处以获取有关所需费用和证明文件的具体信息。



中国无犯罪记录证明Police Records

Document Name: Notarial certificate (Gong Zheng Shu)

Issuing Authority: Local Notary Public Office (Gong Zheng Chu)

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:

There are two types of notarial police certificates: notarial certificate of no criminal record and notarial certificate of criminal record.
Notarial certificate of no criminal record: Certifies that the applicant has no criminal offense during his or her residence in China. It indicates the applicant’s name, gender, date of birth, ID number, and period of residence in China. NOTE: Notarial certificates of no criminal record issued prior to 2012 may not list the ID number.
Notarial certificate of criminal record: Certifies the applicant’s criminal offense and sentencing during their residence in China. It indicates the applicant’s name, gender, date of birth, ID number, conviction information, nature and date of conviction, and date of release. Some certificates also attest that the applicant has no other criminal record beyond the convictions already described. NOTE: Notarial certificates of no criminal record issued prior to 2012 may not list the ID number.

A notarial police certificate normally contains a watermark, seal, and red stamp. All notarial documents must have an English translation, and be attached to a certificate stating that the English translation is in conformity with the Chinese original.
Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Notary Public (Gong Zheng Yuan)

Registration Criteria:

A National ID card and household registration (Hu Kou Bu). If the applicant lives abroad, a copy of his or her passport is also required.
If the applicant is a foreign passport holder, the following documents are required:
Valid passport, and all Chinese residence permits or visas.
Registration form of temporary residence for foreigners.
Chinese permanent resident card if applicable.
Certificate of no criminal offense, or certificate of criminal offense, issued by the Public Security Bureau.
Photographs – at least two.
A signed affidavit or authorization certificate from the applicant if someone other than the applicant applies for the certificate on his or her behalf. The authorized person also needs to provide his/her national ID card.
Other documents requested by the Notary Public (Gong Zheng Yuan).
Procedure for Obtaining:

Complete an application and submit all relevant documents to the Notary Public Office (Gong Zheng Chu).
The Notary Public then examines the documents. If the application is accepted, the applicant pays all related notary fees.
Once the review of the submitted documents is completed, the notarial police certificate is issued.
Certified Copies Available: Certified copies are not available.

Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents.

Exceptions: Police records are not available for those who were in China in diplomatic status including those working for international organizations, such as the United Nations.

Comments: While standardized procedures to apply for a notarized document exist in China, in practice, procedures vary depending on locale. Applicants should check the website or contact their local Notary Public Office to obtain specific information regarding required fees and supporting documents.



Last Update Date:1-6-2021

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    裴恒燕5个月前 (11-07)回复
中国公证处海外服务中心,简称:CNPO,网站:chinanotarypublicoffice.com。CNPO与政府没有联属关系,也不是政府机关的分支机构。如果您选择我们的专业服务,我们会在政府费的基础上收取额外的代办服务费用。 China Notary Public Office (CNPO), Website is chinanotarypublicoffice.com. CNPO is not affiliated with the government and is not a branch of a government agency. If you choose to use our professional services, we will charge an additional service fee. 本网站相关信息,并力求谨慎,但仍不能保证本网站所包含的所有资料的准确性、完整性,对信息的错误或遗漏不负任何责任。The information related to this website, and strive to take care, but still can not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all information contained in this website, and is not responsible for errors or omissions in the information.