
2021-01-06 11:29:59



其他可用文件:旅行证件:蓝色-旅行证件是由中国驻外外交代表办事处向因时间限制或其他原因而无法申请普通护照的中国公民签发的。 如果旅行证件被标注为“仅对回程中国有效”,则持有人一进入中国,该证件即告无效。 中国外交代表处也可以向没有大陆旅行证件且需要前往中国大陆的香港,澳门和台湾居民发行旅行证件。 通常,旅行证件将在中国大陆以单次入境的形式签发,有效期为一年,或者在中国大陆以多次入境/出境的形式签发,有效期为两年。 旅行证件的有效期不能延长。 旅行证件还可用于申请第三国签证以及前往第三国。




中国旅行证Travel Document

Other Documents Available: Travel Document: Blue – A Travel Document is issued by Chinese diplomatic representative offices outside of China to Chinese citizens who, due to time constraints or other reasons, are unable to apply for a regular passport. If the Travel Document is annotated as “Valid only for return travel to China” the document becomes invalid as soon as the holder enters China. A Travel Document may also be issued by Chinese diplomatic representative offices to residents of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan who do not possess mainland travel permits and who need to travel to mainland China. A Travel Document will typically either be issued as single entry for mainland China with one year of validity, or as multiple entries/exits for mainland China with two years of validity. Travel Document validity cannot be extended. A Travel Document can also be used to apply for third country visas as well as to travel to a third country.



Last Update Date:1-6-2021


中国公证处海外服务中心,简称:CNPO,网站:chinanotarypublicoffice.com。CNPO与政府没有联属关系,也不是政府机关的分支机构。如果您选择我们的专业服务,我们会在政府费的基础上收取额外的代办服务费用。 China Notary Public Office (CNPO), Website is chinanotarypublicoffice.com. CNPO is not affiliated with the government and is not a branch of a government agency. If you choose to use our professional services, we will charge an additional service fee. 本网站相关信息,并力求谨慎,但仍不能保证本网站所包含的所有资料的准确性、完整性,对信息的错误或遗漏不负任何责任。The information related to this website, and strive to take care, but still can not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all information contained in this website, and is not responsible for errors or omissions in the information.