
2021-01-06 11:21:23



可用的护照类型:外交护照; 服务护照; 公共事务护照; 私人护照。

外交护照:鲜红色。 用于外交官和某些政府高级官员(例如省长,部长等)。

服务护照:绿色。 用于副部长级别或以下的其他政府资助的旅行者。 公务护照由外交部签发。

公共事务护照:布朗。 用于副部长级别或以下的其他政府资助的旅行者。 公共事务护照由省外事办公室签发。

注意:在中国的帖子中看到了很多政府赞助的旅行者,从贸易公司的官员到功夫专家,都使用公共事务护照旅行。 省外事办公室似乎可以自由决定谁可以持公共事务护照旅行。

私人护照:深红色。 目前的深红色护照于1992年首次出现。




从2012年5月15日开始,PSB正式开始使用电子护照。 新护照包含持票人的生物特征信息,包括性别,出生日期和指纹。 普通护照为深红色,共48页。 简历页面包含护照类型,国家/地区代码,护照号码,姓名,性别,国籍,出生日期,出生地点,签发日期,签发地点,有效期,权限和持票人的签名。




必须提供所有16岁以上的申请人的国民身份证原件和副本。 续订阶段可以使用临时的国民身份证。

如果申请人未满16岁,则需要提供监护人身份证和户口登记证原件(户口簿)或任何其他监护证明(例如出生证),并且申请人必须有监护人陪同 。



填写申请表,然后将所有必需的文件提交给申请人的家庭所在的公安局出入境管理部门。 服现役的申请人必须向其军事分支机构所在的公安局出入境管理部门提交申请。


处理时间各不相同。 根据城市/省,通常是10到30个工作日。



注解:申请人应检查网站或联系当地的公安部门以了解任何特殊的注册标准。 中国护照不会发给没有中国国籍的人。

  • 没有身份证明的人;
  • 提供伪造文件或欺诈性材料的人;
  • 目前正在服刑的人;
  • 被确定为犯罪嫌疑人的人;
  • 中国国家安全令清单上的人;
  • 最近6个月至3年内有犯罪记录或非法出入境记录的人。




Types of Passports available: Diplomatic Passport; Service Passport; Passport for Public Affairs; Private Passport.

Diplomatic Passports: Bright Red. Used for diplomats and certain senior government officials, (e.g., provincial governors, ministers, etc.).
Service Passports: Green. Used for other government-sponsored travelers who are at, or below, the vice-minister level. Service passports are issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Passports for Public Affairs: Brown. Used for other government-sponsored travelers who are at, or below, the vice-minister level. Public Affairs passports are issued by Provincial Foreign Affairs Offices.

Note: Posts in China have seen a variety of government-sponsored travelers, from trading company officials to kung fu experts, traveling on Public Affairs passports. The Provincial Foreign Affairs offices appear to have some latitude in deciding who can travel on a Public Affairs passport.

Private Passport: Dark Red. The current dark red passports first appeared in 1992.

Document Name: People’s Republic of China Passport (Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong He Guo Hu Zhao)

Issuing Government Authority: Exit & Entry Administration Department, Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of People’s Republic of China.

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:

Starting from May 15th, 2012, the PSB officially initiated the use of the electronic passport. The new passports contain the bearer’s biometric information, including gender, date of birth and finger prints. A regular passport is dark red with 48 pages. The biographic page contains passport type, country code, passport number, name, gender, nationality, date of birth, place of birth, date of issue, place of issue, date of expiry, authority and the signature of the bearer.

Issuing Authority Personnel Title: There is no issuing authority personnel title.

Registration Criteria:

One recent passport photo and application form.
The original and a copy of the applicant’s national ID card for all applicants above age 16 is required. A temporary national ID card is acceptable during the renewal stage.
If the applicant is below the age of 16, the original national ID card of the guardian and household registration (Hu Kou Bu), or any other proof of guardianship (e.g. birth certificate) is required, and the applicant must be accompanied by the guardian.
Chinese national public servants must provide a statement from the office/bureau of their work place that grants permission to apply for exit/entry documents.
Procedure for Obtaining:

Complete the application form and submit all required documents to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau where the applicant’s family is registered. Applicants with active military service must submit the application to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau where their branch of the military is located.
Pay the application fee.
Processing time varies. It is normally between 10 to 30 working days depending on the city/province.
Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents.

Exceptions: None

Comments: Applicants should check the website or contact their local Public Security Bureau regarding any special registration criteria. A Chinese passport will NOT be issued to:

a. Person who does not have Chinese nationality.
b. Person without identification.
c. Person who provides fake documents or fraudulent materials.
d. Person who is currently serving a prison sentence.
e. Person who has been identified as a suspect of a crime.
f. Person who is on the Chinese national security warrant list.
g. Person who has a criminal record or illegal exit & entry record within the last 6 months to 3 years.



Last Update Date:1-6-2021


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